Sunset in Northfield 8/07

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Adventures in apple picking

So...We went apple picking this morning as planned. The kids and I and some friends spent a couple hours wandering around the farm. Picking apples, pumpkins, gourds, hayride; it was a lot of fun! As we were heading back to the little farmstand to pay for our goodies the kids took a detour throught the huge corn maze.

The clearing between the orchards and cornfield was filled with new people coming in, families pulling wagons full of kids, and those of us standing in line. Off to the side were two teams of draft-horses resting between trips around the farm. All of a sudden another big black horse pulling an approximately 10 ft long log was spooked by something. I heard people shouting and looked up to see this horse charging down the hill; parents were grabbing kids and trying to stay out of his path. I remember standing there not only terrifed to see him rearing and running toward me; I felt numb and helpless wondering where he'd go next, knowing the kids could step out of the maze at any moment oblivious to what was going on.

Luckily as he reached the foot of hill the log was snagged on two huge boulders. The chain or harness (not sure which) snapped as he reared up again trying to get free. He then charged back up the hill toward the barn where a couple of people grabbed him and shut him inside.

Thankfully nobody was hurt, the kids heard some of what was going on from inside the maze, but thought it was a show. There were a lot of parents who looked like I Even now, 3 hours later; I feel shaky and sick inside when I think of what could have happened. I guess that's the worst part. Knowing that I had no control over what was happening. I had no idea where in that maze the kids were, and if I had...what could I have done to stop a huge out of control horse if he had decided to go crashing through the corn? There's not much I hate more than feeling that I'm not in control.

I've been thinking back on the thankfully few times that I remember being totally consumed with fear. I think the last time I felt that scared was a few years ago when we lost Aaron (who was about 8 at the time) at Disney World It was right at the end of the day when everyone was pouring out of the park. It was about 20-25 minutes before we found him. I remember that then, like now it was worse after it was all over. I have to say though...If your kid's gonna get lost, that's the place to do it. They do a great job snapping right into action all across the park.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Yikes - that's a little scary. Ok, a lot scary. The maze is spooky enough (children of the corn, anyone?) but a raging horse! Yowsa.